Anyway, Hyperoloop Transportation Technologies (HTT) has been fairly quiet over the past year — but now, it seems, they’re ready to show their work so far:
There’s a lot of work left to do, of course. So far, a lot of the work appears to have been done by a group of 25 UCLA design and architecture students. The engineers — the ones who work at aerospace companies during the day — are working on a technical feasibility study, which is due to be completed by mid-2015.
Beyond the technical feasibility of traveling just under the speed of sound (760 mph) in an elevated, above-ground tube, the HTT engineers are also spending a lot of time analyzing the potential routes that the Hyperloop system might take. Musk wanted San Francisco to Los Angeles, but politically and geographically that might be tricky. Instead, HTT is also looking at the potential of a Los Angeles to Las Vegas route — and, in the long term, a network of hyperloops that span the entirety of the United States. Ultimately, they don’t really care where hyperloops get built — they just want to build one, to prove it’s feasible.
The proposed Hyperloop capsules – you sit in the bubble/capsule, which is then loaded into a more rugged outer shell
Moving forward, it’s now about actually building some working prototypes. The company’s CEO, Dirk Ahlborn, says they’ve mostly solved the problems of building the partially evacuated (soft vacuum) tube, and suspending it on top of pylons. He also says that Musk’s price estimate of around $6-10 billion for a 400-mile Hyperloop is “on point,” judging by their research so far. “I have almost no doubt that once we are finished, once we know how we are going to build and it makes economical sense, that we will get the funds.”
Presumably, once the complete technical feasibility report is completed in mid-2015, plans will be drawn up for the first short-range tube — and then, who knows? As urban population density continues to climb, we could certainly do with a cost-effective replacement for high-speed rail and air travel.
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